Catapult and Amazon Perk

Catapult Teams up with AWS to Power Startups in Lakeland 

We’re excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Activate. This strategic collaboration provides substantial infrastructure credits, tools, support, and training to early-stage startups.

Through AWS Activate, eligible startups in our incubator receive up to $25,000 in cloud hosting credits valid for two years. This empowers entrepreneurs across the state to rapidly build, test, and scale on AWS as they bring their vision to life. 

More Than Just Credits 

In addition to leveraging AWS’ leading cloud platform with this generous credit package, our cohort startups get: 

24/7 Technical Support: on-demand help from AWS cloud experts for guidance building on the platform 

Relevant Training: training materials and resources to skill up on the relevant AWS tools and technologies

Customized Portal: a tailored hub to manage AWS credits and activity while optimizing infrastructure 

This creates an all-in-one destination for startups to get set up for cloud-based success. 

Fueling Innovation in Lakeland 

As an incubator, our mission is to empower entrepreneurs by eliminating barriers. We provide funding, mentorship, and resources to early-stage companies so they can transform vision into reality. 

Teaming up with AWS will amplify our founders’ capabilities even further. The cloud provides flexibility and scalability – critical components tech innovators need today. This allows them to fully focus their energy on crafting solutions and delighting customers instead of spending time reinventing the wheel of infrastructure. 

Additionally, collaborating with AWS, the world’s leading cloud platform, gives our members heightened credibility when pitching to partners and investors. Simply put, this partnership helps accelerate Florida startups with ambitious ideas and the grit to implement them.  

If you’re interested in applying for our incubator, please connect with us.

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