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Coolest Office Spaces Finalists 2015: Catapult Lakeland

By Chris Wilkerson
 –  Special Projects Director, Tampa Bay Business Journal



Catapult Lakeland

Address: 331 S. Florida Ave., Lakeland

Date new space opened: One year, three months ago

Architect: Wallis Murphey Boyington Architects

Designers: The Poor Porker, MarcoBay Construction

Catapult has built a special place for its entrepreneur members to call home while they grow their businesses.

The space is folksy, but professional and cozy while remaining digitally ready. It is so aesthetically pleasing, the staff has had to turn down couples who wanted to get married there and companies that wanted to use it for corporate events. Since it is an office for more than 100 members that is available to them 24/7, it just doesn't work well for event space.

A permitted commissary kitchen where local chefs test recipes as they grow their culinary businesses is regularly booked up so that the only times available are in the middle of the night.

Catapult is an entrepreneur center, built by entrepreneurs. The Poor Porker, a local lifestyle company, designed the unique space to spark innovation and creativity in Lakeland's entrepreneurs. Amenities perfectly suit the needs of thriving entrepreneurs, according to submission materials.